The Origins: The parent academy “India Wing Chun Academy” (IWCA) has been training authentic martial & self defense skills to hundreds of students for more than a decade. Qi-Gong (pronounced as Chi-Gong, Chi-Kung) has been an integral part of martial arts training which significantly improves one's martial arts skills. Considering the universal applicability of “Qigong” also known as “Chigong” or “Chigung”, this ancient secret of health, power & spirituality is being made available for general public.
Chigong / Qigong in India: With India Qi-Gong Academy (IQA) we are opening the door for everybody to benefit from Qi-Gong. Originally intended for martial arts enthusiasts, the physical, mental & spiritual benefits of the secret art of Qi-Gong is now available to all.
Qi-Gong: An ancient solution to modern day challenges
India Qi-Gong Academy Qi-Gong curriculum has three progressive stages
Stage 1: VITAL QI-GONG ‘Discover your Health’
Stage 2: POWER QI-GONG ‘Discover Your Strength’
Stage 3: CIRCLE QI-GONG ‘Discover Your Self’