Qi-gong (pronounced as chi-gong, chi-gung or chi-kung) is an ancient Chinese exercise and healing technique that involves meditation, controlled breathing and movement exercises.
The character "Qi" is difficult to translate, Qi roughly means vital energy, information, breath or spirit. The Sanskrit equivalent of it is ‘Prana’. The second character in qigong, "gong," means persistent effort to cultivate mastery. Qigong is therefore sometimes translated as "vital energy cultivation" or "mastery of your energy."
Qigong practice typically involves moving meditation, coordinating slow-flowing movement, deep rhythmic breathing, and a calm meditative state of mind. It helps open the flow of energy in meridians, enhance our ability to feel the underlying Life Force in the physical body and deepen our communication with it. Slow and gentle, Qi-Gong movements warm the tendons, ligaments and muscles, tone vital organs and connective tissue, and promote circulation of body fluids (blood, synovial, lymph).
Thousands of studies have proved Qi-Gong to be an effective practice in helping heal various modern day ailments and disorders, as well as emotional and mental stress arising due to today’s sedentary lifestyle.